What is the Difference Between Digital Marketing and E-commerce |Digital Marketing Vs E-commerce

What is the difference between Digital Marketing and e-commerce whenever people ask me this question , I often get surprised after hearing this question because these two are not separate, they are all mixed in both.

I also got interested in this question when I thought about it very closely and whether there is really any difference. Digital Marketing Vs E-commerce

it is very important for every business to promote its product, similarly, there are two tools for marketing E-commerce Marketing and Digital Marketing, but due to misinformation on the internet, many people are confused about which one tool is best for which business?

So today in this article we will see What is the difference between Digital Marketing and e-commerce and according to their differences, which business is it best for?

Today, with the help of this article, I want to clear up your confusion between e-commerce marketing and digital marketing. Digital marketing and e-commerce marketing bring us tools that prove to be very important in promoting our business.

Due to the current misinformation on the internet, this confusion has begun, due to which many people are reading this question. Many people want to know whether digital marketing and e-commerce marketing are really different. If it is different then in how it is different.

If seen, digital marketing and e-commerce marketing are not separate fields, both are related to each other but digital marketing is a very important tool for e-commerce.

What is the difference between Digital Marketing and e-commerce

What is E-commerce?

How e-commerce is adapted to the digital world? With its help, many businesses can sell their products online. The products can be anything, such as physical products, services, videos, or content. Whatever tool or platform is used to sell all this online is called E-commerce.

What we do online shopping in today’s date is a result of e-commerce. nowadays, people do not need to go out anywhere, they can order anything sitting at home or from anywhere. If you have to compare different products, you can directly compare it with each store online and order whatever product you want.

To place this order, they do not need to go out of the house. This is all due to e-commerce. Due to e-commerce, many small retailers have also been helped in expanding their business because people are from different corners of the world.

There is always a risk in the world of online shopping that we cannot test the product before purchasing and we can check whatever it is only after purchasing and whatever products we order online, we have to wait for them till their delivery time, but in our local purchase, we can go and buy anything immediately, in this we can also say that what we need on daily basis, We can get them soon in local stores only. If we order it online from an e-commerce website, we will have to wait for the delivery period for the product.

Credit: Source Paper Content

Therefore, many people buy the things they need immediately from local shops, and for the things that are not available in their local area, they can buy them from online marketing websites.

All these facilities have become available only because of e-commerce.

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Benefits of E-commerce

Now let’s see some benefits of e-commerce. Now we see some benefits of e-commerce which will help us to grow our business, including what kind of tools are there which will save our time, money and whatever hard work it takes to take our business to the people. we can work to some great extent to deliver our product to targeted audience.

The advantages of e-commerce are given below

  • It made the purchasing process much faster where customers can browse more quickly and spend less time looking for what they need.
  • A physical inventory of goods or services is not required, which drastically lowers the initial cost. 
  • It made the promotions much more economical as the social media networks let people freely access their target audience and advertising will cost a lot less.
  • There are no regional restrictions as eCommerce allows for global sales.
  • It provides a quicker reaction to market needs as keeping up with trends and updating the products and services as they change are both simple tasks.
  • It allows for several modes of payment and the majority of e-commerce platforms offer a variety of payment options, which makes it very simple

Examples of e-commerce

  1. Amazon.com is the best example of a successful E-commerce company. It is the largest online retailer in India.
  2. alibaba.com taobao.com all is the biggest commercial website in the b2b sector 
  3. Walmart is one of the biggest retailers in e-commerce business or online business. It is very successful. They have increased their sales online by using e-commerce.
  4. eBay is another e-commerce platform. On this platform, you can purchase whatever you want online and they will deliver it to you anywhere in the world. Not only this, we can also place bids on it.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is a marketing strategy which is used to publish the advertisement of goods and products or services online. It is a digital technology in which mail promotion is used to promote one’s product. And this digital promotion is done with the help of and such as social media, email marketing, SMS, Google Search, Google Ads, blogs, and websites, so now we can say that digital marketing is a technology to promote your product online to many people.

Credit : Source (Pinterest)

Examples of digital marketing

The biggest example of digital marketing is social media.

In social media, we can target a particular group of people by showing them what they want and we can take it for our sales or more clients.

SEO– search engine optimization is a way to optimize your content, so whenever people search for your product on Google, your website gets ranked first, and with its help, people can come directly to your website.

PPC -Pay Per Click Ads is a method of marketing. it is a method of marketing by which we ask the search engine to run our ads by paying money. If any of the people see the ad and come to your website, then you will get traffic on your website. As long as you pay for it, you will get this service.

SMM – SMS is a social media marketing, in this, we tell social influencers like Instagram and Facebook pages to market their products, they market their products on their groups on their pages, they also get traffic to your website and help in reading your sales.

Email marketing– is one of the oldest ways to promote your brand by sending promotional emails, but now it has become a little out of use due to social media, which has reduced the target audience.

Affiliate Marketing– Affiliate Marketing is a method of promotion in which instead of selling our own product, we review the product of some other company and promote its services and give it to them. In return, the company like Amazon.com and AliExpress.com pays a commission.

Digital marketing benefits

The main benefit of digital marketing is that it is similar to the tools of normal traditional marketing and there is more possibility that many people will join you and buy your product.

  • Lower cost: In digital marketing, we incur very less cost for marketing as compared to cooperative traditional marketing and there are many resources available in it so that we can easily reach the targeted audience.
  • Measurability is the biggest benefit of digital marketing. You can easily measure how effective your marketing is. You can see its report to see what kind of people you targeted by running that ad, what kind of people, and how many people with that ad. They visited to your website and made a purchase. All this is available to you in one click. This tool is the best for any marketing tool because of how to create marketing for your product so that it can easily reach your target audience.
  • Personalization: If your brand is running shoes or footwear, then you can make it a personalized ad of the product like a video a scene, or a photo, and or you have a service-related brand like He provides some shifting services and house cleaning services, so you can send him some kind of video or personalized ad.

So these are all the benefits of digital marketing, although there are many of them but I have selected a few which are very important and mentioned the same benefits.

But if there are so many benefits, then there will be some disadvantages too. Agreed, it is low cost but there is a lot of competition in it, so every time we have to do something better to target the audience. Anyway, many people promote traditional marketing more because it is new. It is new to many people and digital marketing cannot reach areas where people do not do much online activity.

Digital Marketing and E-commerce- Are they the same?

Digital Marketing Vs E-commerce

Now we have seen what exactly digital marketing and e-commerce are, so now are they similar? Now after reading the definition information of both, it will seem that both are similar but not the same as digital marketing and e-commerce.

Not the same but related to each other..

Digital marketing is a digital technology that enables people to market their product or service. Digital technology means mobile phone, social media, online marketing, display advertising.

And on the other hand, there is e-commerce, there is a technique for doing online marketing in which everything is done online, like a website, you have to run ads on the website or you have to run a website of your brand and create a shopping website in this way.

Therefore, e-commerce and digital marketing are related to each other, but we can say that e-commerce and digital marketing both are tools to grow business.

We can use both to market our business, our products and services.

What is the Difference Between Digital Marketing and E-commerce?

Now let us see exactly what is the difference between digital marketing and e-commerce because both are the same part but both can be used separately. It is not necessary that you have to do e-commerce while doing digital marketing. 

Let’s see exactly what the difference is

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a digital technology that promotes products and services by using tools such as digital channels, social media and multi product service on the internet. To promote it, it uses search engine optimization, social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, pay per click advertising asset tools.

The primary goal of digital marketing is to reach your target audience through a variety of digital platforms, create awareness of your brand, and engage your target audiences, which ultimately means diverting them from your target audience to your website or product or service platform.

Digital marketing is not only on e-commerce website, we can do it for any product or service, generally it is done by all types of industries, services, education, entertainment, non-profit agencies, everyone does it.


E-commerce is a platform and a process to buy and sell things online, which means both products and services. It involves management of online transactions and online sales. It is a process of running an online store in which we can send things and people can buy things from there. Listing Inventory Management Order Processing Shipping Customer Service It’s All

The primary goal of e-commerce is commercial transactions. The focus of e-commerce is to convert visitors to your website into paying customers and send them your product. All this remains online only.

E-commerce is the best way for such a business which currently does return physical business. If he wants to scale up his business then he should do this method of e-commerce so that he can open his own online store. Banks can convert visitors into customers by reviewing or marketing their products.

So digital marketing is a digital technology which is used to market one’s products and services but e-commerce is a one way of doing business which can open one’s business online. We can also call it commercial business. This is a commercial transaction on online plateforms.

But by using both digital marketing and e-commerce together, many companies bring traffic and sales to their website , the example is amazon.in ,aliexpress.in.

Why the confusion between e-commerce vs digital marketing.

So why is there this confusion now between digital marketing and e-commerce, the fact is that both these digital marketing and e-commerce drive the same ultimate focous, that is why people get confused, but let me take an example and tell you the difference between them.

let’s assume that you are doing digital marketing and e-commerce to increase the sales of your website, so you should do email marketing. We see a lot of promotion images in our daily life . let’s say ,I am the one promoting product, A cold email is sent to your customer to the targeted audience. This has become a digital technology, this is called digital marketing. He will follow the email and come to your website from the link given in it and make a sale and purchase.

But if he can purchase directly from this email then we will call it e-commerce.

Means digital marketing, it generates traffic on your platform , but if you have an online business without e-commerce, you cannot sell products on it. E-commerce is the way to do online transactions to buy your product.

It is very simple, e-commerce is the process of making your sale, everything except the process comes under marketing.

For example take one I am buying a product like a mobile phone, I am buying mobile phone online from ordering mobile phone online till delivery it is all part of e-commerce

But how did I reach your website to buy that mobile online? This is all in marketing, so how did I build trust towards your brand? This is all due to marketing, this is digital marketing.

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The combination: ecommerce digital marketing.

What will happen if you combine digital marketing and commerce? You will get e-commerce digital marketing.

By doing digital marketing through e-commerce or should I say e-commerce marketing, by doing digital marketing now you can do all those such techniques which will promote and sell your product at the same time, promote your online website and Whatever your visitors help you in converting them, you can also generate revenue due to website traffic and can also generate revenue from the products you sell.

So in this e-commerce digital marketing, you can give all those commerce and do it with the tools of digital marketing like search engine optimization, paper click advertising, content marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, conversion rate option, affiliate marketing, analytics and data analysis all these tools. By doing this you can run your e-commerce website very well.

The only aim of e-commerce digital marketing is to increase the visibility of your brand, to bring more and more people to your website, to bring more and more customers to your website and convert them into paying customers, ultimately to increase your online sales and revenue. 

For this you can use many tools like Shopify, active campaign payoneer etc.

E-commerce vs Digital marketing- Conclusion.

As you saw in this article, detail marketing and e-commerce are two different but interconnected concepts, both of them provide services to your brand to promote your online business, but We can say that where theater marketing ends, e-commerce begins.

E-commerce gives a new capability to your business which can take your business to any corner of the world but digital marketing is a tool which brings the audience from different parts of the world to your website, which means if you want to sell your product then you have to You need an e-commerce website. You need to bring people to your website. You need to promote your brand. You need digital marketing. 

I hope you got the necessary information from the article and I was able to clear up your confusion.

Now tell me in the comment what kind of website you would like to open by doing e-commerce digital marketing. Which type of e-commerce business should be started.

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